German A1/German A2 Course Highlights
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German A1/German A2 Course Curriculum
Key topics
- Introduction
- Alphabets & numbers
- Countries, destinations
& languages - People and hobbies
- The work, the workplace
- Free time
- At the hotel
- The city map
- Foods & drinks
- Daily schedule
- Computer basics
- Arranging appointments
- Season & weather
- Travel basics
- Transportation
- Furnishings
- Health & excuses
- Professions and activities
- Telling about the past
- School, training, and curriculum vitae
- Daily schedule leisure activities
- Purchasing & spending money
- Words around money
- The dream of wealth: What if…?
- In the office, on the phone, and
making appointments - Animals & dangerous animals
- People
- Living: garden, city etc.
- Healthy nutrition
- National and international news
- Theme: Environment and technology
- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Negation
- Clauses
- Subjunctive II
- Tenses
- Casus
- Nouns
- Prepositions
- Indicators of space
- Group of nouns: der/die/das
- Conjunctions
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