German B1 Course Highlights
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German B1 Course Curriculum
Key topics
- Time and activities
- Punctuality
- Leisure time:
Museums & fine arts - Vacations
- Problems at work
- Arranging appointments
- Manners in business life
- Reading
- Past and childhood
- Media
- Advertising: Impact & history
- Advertising:
Products & their properties - The complaint
- Language learning
- Lifelong learning
- Special learning tips
- School, certificates, and grades
- Traffic problems
- Means of transport
- On the way
- Vacation: When one goes on a trip…
- Feelings of happiness
- Qualities
- Stress, anger, and joy
- Food, German recipes,
eating in the restaurant - Invitations and good wishes
- Verbs
- Tenses
- Prepositions
- Adjectives
- Enumerations
- Causes & consequences
- Clauses
- Interrogative particles
- Enumerations
- Modal verbs, brauchen + zu
- The past subjunctive
(polite requests, wishes, past) - Verbs + dative + accusative
- N – Declination
- Indicators of time and conditional
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Can I apply for citizenship with a B1 German level certificate?
The German government considers B1 enough for international students wishing to get citizenship.
Can I be fluent in German after completing the B1 level?
On completing B1, you will be semi-fluent in the German language
Is the price of the B1 course inclusive of GST?
Yes, curriculum B1 is inclusive of 18% GST.