German B2 Course Highlights
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German B2 Course Curriculum
Key topics
- School, Training
- Interpersonal relations
- Living and renting
- Travel, trouble on
vacation & complaint letters - Cultural differences
in professional life - Smalltalk
- Daily work:
e-mails & telephone calls - Activities & Leisure
- University
- History and politics
- News from all over the world
- Crime Stories
- Verbs
- Declination of adjectives
- Indicators of space:
prepositions of two cases - Verbs with prepositional case
- n – Declination
- Causal and effect indicators:
weil, denn, deshalb, so…dass etc. - The subjunctive II: politeness,
unreality, and in the past - Reaction of verbs
- Position of words in the sentence
- Indicators of time
- Indicators of conditional
- Subjunctive I : Indirect speech
- Subjunctive I Alternate forms
- Nouns – Verb – Connections
- Prepositions
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Is the price of the B2 course inclusive of GST?
Yes, the curriculum B2 is inclusive of 18% GST.
Is B2 enough for applying to German Universities?
Definitely! B2 is more than enough and a good profile enhancer for you applying to desired German Universities.
Can I have a conversation with natives after completing B2?
You can for sure have a good and manageable conversation with native Germans after being done with B2.