Documentation Writing Package


  • Letter of Motivation (LOM)
  • Two Letter of Recommendations (LOR)
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) in Europass format


3-4 Working Days

Delivery Format

PDF File



Price may vary case to case

Get your complete Application Portfolio prepared by Experts.

Complete document writing package is a process which includes preparation of all three important documents, namely;

Regardless of the course, these are the three most important documents that need to be submitted with the application forms. These documents are regarded highly and play a significant role in pursuing your dream of studying in Germany. We understand your narrative and put it in the best possible words.

Our team of content creators with requisite knowledge and experience curate these crucial documents on your behalf.

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The Contents and Importance of these documents

Academic transcripts provide the Universities with the complete information about the course previously pursued, grades, experiences and skills of a candidate. These transcripts are an essential part of your application portfolio and play a crucial role as a deciding factor for admission. It gives a general idea to the reviewer to analyze and understand, playing a deciding factor in the admission approval or rejection.

The documents must interest the reviewer and provide an explicit reference to your experiences, skills and abilities, best explaining how you are suited for the course. The admission committee will consider a document incompetent if it has untrue or incomplete information. It may hold grounds for rejection. Although you have a right to appeal to review the decision, it's not always granted. Thus, it becomes essential to have complete and up-to-date documents.

An understanding of each of these documents is necessary.

    Let's Connect

    Letter of Motivation (LOM)

    Many applicants confuse the requirements of Letter of Motivation (LOM) with Statement of Purpose (SOP) in their application portfolio. Often it is understood as the same thing, but they are quite different. With LOM, the University expects one to stress more on how the course is relevant to the applicant, with his/ her background and professional plans. Whereas, with SOP, the Universities expect one to talk about themselves, their academic and professional journey so far, future professional goals, interests, etc. It is more of a personal document.

    The similarity between the two documents being, it must be more focused on the background and reasons for applying for the particular course in the specific University.

    Letter of References (LORs)

    Letter of References (LORs)allows others to state their opinions of you. Typically, these documents are considered as additional proofs to ascertain the admission committee of your competence for the course you are applying for.

    These are letters usually written by Professors/ Employers, stating your qualities and achievements. If you want to highlight academic excellence, it's best to get a LOR from your Professor. It would help if you got your LOR from a subject-specific professor.

    If your employer provides LOR, Universities expect you to submit LOR reflecting your skills and expertise on the work front.

    Curriculum Vitae (CV)

    CVs are more of a business card, and the admission committee will be more interested to see how your previous education is relevant to the course applied for.

    The professional background holds relevance and would be an added advantage if it is in the same field as the course applied with the University.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What documents will be required?

    We will require all the relevant information backed with relevant documents to help us create individualized, informative and persuasive content.

    Will I be able to reach out to the team in person?

    We welcome our clients with open arms and serve them to the best of our abilities

    Which language will the document be in?

    The stated documents will be in the English Language.

    In case of doubts, will I be able to get my documents revised?

    Till the time you are satisfied with what has been written, we are open to revisions. We aim to provide you with the best and strive to help you get through the admission process.