Europass CV Review

Are you looking to give your CV a professional look that fits German Standards?
  • Check Format
  • Check for Plagiarism
  • Correct Grammatical and Spelling Errors
  • Add/Deduct information


2 Working Days

Delivery Format

PDF File



Price may vary case to case

Vitae (Europass CV)

Don't lose out on your German Dream
due to Flawed Documents!

Germany has a particular work culture and specific CV expectations that must be observed while drafting your CV. There are specific guidelines set-out for writing, but it's always suitable, giving a German look to it.

Germans are very particular about the flawless documents. Be cautious about what you write and how you draft it. If you aren't confident about your CV, don't take a chance. Get it reviewed by our expert content creators for a qualified German CV.

It's best to get feedback for your CV from German experts. Our experienced content creators who are Former German students will provide you with thorough review and insights. They can also draft a customised CV for you keeping the German terminology and criteria in mind.

Europass CV

Europass CV is the most popular CV format in Europe, which is a Europe-wise standardized template in 29 languages, familiar with educational institutions and employers for its ease of understanding. It provides a comprehensive picture of your qualifications and skills. This format is ideal for submitting your CV in Germany.


Don't let your indecisiveness
influence your CV !


Why should you go for a Europass CV review?

German professors value professionalism, so make sure you have a good CV on hand. Thus, getting your CV right is crucial for applying for admissions in Germany. It holds notable importance in the document
bundle as it features your educational and professional information.
If you have a CV and are unsure of it holding grounds with German Professors, get it reviewed through our experienced content creators. We have a team of expert reviewers proficient in writing CVs in any given
format. Moreover, our reviewers are Former-German students who have a good sense of German University's review process.

    Let's Connect


    Prepare your Curriculum Vitae (Europass CV)

    Prepare your CV in the format you feel appropriate

    Avail our CV Review Service

    Book our personalized CV Review Service.

    Submit Relevant Details

    On booking Our CV Review Service, you will receive a confirmation mail on your registered email address.

    A trailing mail with an enclosed questionnaire needs to be filled and reverted with the stated requisite documents .

    Submit Relevant Details

    Once booking for LOM Review Services is completed, you will receive a confirmation mail for the same on your registered E-mail address. Along with that, you will receive a supporting mail seeking necessary details and requisite documents that may be required for reviewing your LOM.

    Timely Delivery

    Get timely delivery of the document in .pdf format.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What will reviewing of a document include?

    On completion of the drafting of your CV, you aren't sure of the format; our team is here to guide you.
    Our reviewers will make sure your CV is in the Europass format, do necessary changes, and correct the document for any grammatical errors. We also provide you with a review report along with the revised CV.

    Can we discuss details over a call?

    Feel free to call us anytime during our working hours to discuss details. Our reviewers will be more than obliged to answer all your queries.

    If the CV isn't in Europass format, will it be rectified?

    Yes, our reviewers will rectify the formatting errors and ensure that your CV is in Europass Format

    Will I get a Word Doc. file of the CV?

    We strictly provide documents in the .pdf file format. We will not acknowledge any requests for open documents.