Visa Remonstration Letter


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Do you disagree with the rejection of your Visa?

An aggrieved person can remonstrate against the refusal of the visa application. One must get the request for consideration of the rejection, via a Remonstration letter in the required format at the German Mission/Embassy.

An applicant can submit the remonstration letter, which will be processed after the submission of written formal authorization along with the applicant's signature. If necessary, additional documents might need to be attached.

    Let's Connect

    The deadline for the request of Remonstration is:

    Schengen Visa

    • One can make an application for remonstration of the refusal of Schengen Visa within one month of the receipt of the refusal letter.

    National Visa

    • One may request a further examination of the visa application within one month/one year, based on
      the time frame stated on the refusal of Visa Application.

    Please Note: The Embassy will not consider Remonstration letters sent in email, mails or fax.

    Contents of the
    Remonstration Letter must include:

    • Full name
    • Place and Date of Birth
    • Passport number
    • Date of the initial refusal
    • Application Number
      (as stated on the Application form or refusal letter?)
    • Residential Address
    • E-mail Address/ Fax Number
    • Signature (In case the third person
      has requested reconsideration, his/her signature).

    Let's work on remonstration letter so that

    Why is a competent
    Remonstration letter important?

    • It is crucial to have a competent remonstration letter as remonstrations that don't meet the standards will be rejected. Apart from the above-listed requirements, there are certain documents which must be attached to the paper.
    • An incomplete or unsuitable remonstration letter may cost you another refusal. In order to avoid any more rejections, get in touch with our experts who have made it possible for tens of people to travel worry-free to Germany or any other place.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can you apply for a visa even after its rejection?

    Yes, if you have received a rejection, the applicant has one month/one year, based on the time frame for appeal stated in the refusal letter, write to the mission abroad. The mission will reconsider your visa application.

    Are there chances of further rejection?

    Yes, there are chances of further rejection of your Visa if it is not in the right format or is incomplete.

    How will I know about the rejection of my initial application?

    On rejection of a visa application, the applicant receives a refusal letter from the Embassy.